Ador Defence

Smart Borders

Soon, border and perimeter walls won't be built with barbed wires or stones but with a series of high-powered cameras, defense systems and digital sensors.

Ador has been involved with the defence sector for over 20 years providing specialised power sources, submarine battery chargers, Mil-Grade UPS / DC systems and battlefield deployable power sources with low heat, vibration and electromagnetic signatures for mission-critical electronics equipment.

Ador equipment is installed on missile launchers, radars, battlefield shelters, command and control centers and submarine bases.

India shares over 15000 kilometers of its borders with its neighbors. The terrain constitutes the topographic extremes from arid deserts and swamps, to snow covered Himalayas, rivers and forests.

Protecting borders from enemy insurgents, smugglers and terrorists is an uphill task. And this not a uniquely Indian problem. Human surveillance alone cannot protect and defend state and national borders.


Ador REFLEX™ Rapid Deployment Surveillance Solution is developed for unique Indian crowd conditions to address CCTV coverage of an event that occurs with no warning (No Warning Event- NWE).

This could be a political or religious mass gathering of people in a location with limited or no CCTV coverage, a disaster situation such as earthquake or terrorIst strike where existing infrastructure for CCTV coverage is unusable – or a VIP visit to locations with no CCTV coverage.

Reflex™ uses a control room housed in a ballistic proof shelter/ container which can be deployed on a truck / trailer to any location. The C2 room is linked to a fleet of independent diesel or battery powered trailers with 12 meters extendable masts housing various cameras.

These trailers are designed to be vandal proof, low profile and agile to be deployed in adverse conditions on uneven ground.  Masts extendable from 2 meters to 12 meters.  Cameras installed are capable of day and night coverage as well as thermal footage, in some instances with edge analytics. 

Cameras communicate back to the C2 room wirelessly and don’t need a line of sight using closed bandwidth protocols.

Third Eye™ Perimeter Protection & Intrusion Detection

The third eye, a mystical concept of an invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.

Designed to protect defence bases and sensitive government infrastructure, ADOR’s Comprehensive Perimeter Protection and Intrusion Detection system employs a host of sensors to allow cameras to make autonomous decisions of where to pan, tilt, zoom and focus.

It then uses software to then analyse the potential threats to decide if the threat is hostile, allowing personnel in a command and control room to make rapid and informed decisions to authorise a proportional level of response. Solutions can distinguish between humans and vehicles.

A typical control room could have as many as 200 screens monitoring various cameras, through a comprehensive perimeter protection system. Inputs from multiple sensors, devices and cameras are used to analyse alarms, make a threat level assessment and alert security teams. 

The system includes passive and active imaging, radar, underground sensors, underwater sensor, drone based cameras and optical fibre sensors.

A perimeter protection and intrusion detection system will typically include

  • Digital HD Video Cameras
  • Optical Fibre Cables
  • Unattended Sensors
  • Radar
  • Electro Optic Sensors
  • Long Range Cameras
  • Traffic Control Tower
  • Anti-Drone

These cameras are typically linked so that a seamless handover occurs from one camera to another when a subject moves outside its pan, tilt or zoom capability (i.e. a set of cameras all talk to each other autonomously knowing where to look and when). Unlike analog cameras, such cameras may or may not have edge analytics based on the level of sophistication demanded by the mission.High definition cameras, including those that can see in full colour in zero lux at night are manufactured by ADOR in India.

An detection system which utilises fibre optic cable as the waveguide sensor, integrating weather-protected fibre optic cables along the complete perimeter fence or underground along a fence of a base or critical location. Using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer,  the condition of the fibre cable is monitored continuously. Any breakage, tension, vibration is recognized immediately due to the change in light transmission creating an alarm pinpointing the exact location along the fence.

An unattended sensor could be an underground vibration sensor, an underwater movement sensor or any sensor that passively monitors a given location / area and creates an alarm when a change occurs, allowing cameras to focus on the area and run software algorithms to determine the threat.

In addition to the integrated equipment above, a high level perimeter protection system will often employ radar to detect movement close to the perimeter fence or inside a particular perimeter area, identifying movement of objects and informing cameras where pant, tilt, zoom and focus.  Radar systems can also be integrated using RFID to deploy Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) technology as well and can function under extreme weather conditions of fog and snow.

An EO sensor is an integrated day night and Thermal Cameras with Pan, Tilt and zoom system. These are capable of long distance Detection (over 20km), Recognition and Identification ranges. These are capable of distinguishing between Vehicles and Humans.

Depending on the size of the base and the terrain – sometimes a long range camera which can see 5 kms in the day and 3 kms at night or 1 km in fog maybe deployed as well.  Such cameras in essence act as heavy duty binoculars and are triggered when any of the sensors above have detected a threat, proven as not a false alarm and the threat is in an area not very well covered by existing cameras.  Ideally located on high points such as an Air

These cameras provide maximum visibility in adverse conditions from a high vantage point.  Ador manufactures long range 5km cameras in India.


These solutions use Radars to detect Drones, UAV’s, Low flying objects, etc and automatically focus the EO sensor tracking the target, . Solutions provide needed inputs for interface with weaponry systems for action.

Second Sight™ Smart Border Protection

Second Sight, an intuitive power of perception that transcends the other five senses.

Designed to protect sensitive borders that face repeated incursions from hostile forces, Ador’s Second Sight™ Smart Border Protection Solutions incorporates a host of sensor based technologies to allow cameras to acquire and detect threats in a more focused and autonomous manner, escalating alarms to command and control centres once a threat has been confirmed. These solutions can distinguish between humans and machine intrusions.


These solutions can be deployed with or without a physical border fence in place. The Smart Border Solution typically includes:

Digital High definition Video Cameras

Such cameras may or may not have edge analytics based on the level of sophistication demanded by the mission.  Cameras are typically linked so that a seamless handover occurs from one camera to another when a subject moves outside its pan, tilt or zoom capability (i.e. a set of cameras all talk to each other autonomously knowing where to look and when). High definition cameras, including those that can see in full colour in zero lux at night are manufactured by ADOR in India.


In addition to the integrated equipment above, a high level perimeter protection system will often employ radar to detect movement close to the perimeter fence or inside a particular perimeter area, identifying movement of objects and informing cameras where pant, tilt, zoom and focus.  Radar systems can also be integrated using RFID to deploy Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) technology as well. Ability to function in extreme weather conditions of fog and snow.

Long Range Cameras

Depending on the size of the base and the terrain – sometimes a long range camera which can see 5 kms in the day and 3 kms at night or 1 km in fog maybe deployed as well.  Such cameras in essence act as heavy duty binoculars and are triggered when any of the sensors above have detected a threat, proven as not a false alarm and the threat is in an area not very well covered by existing cameras.  Ideally located on high points such as an Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower, these cameras provide maximum visibility in adverse conditions from a high vantage point.  Ador manufactures long range 5km cameras in India.

Unattended Sensors

An unattended sensor could be an underground vibration sensor, an underwater movement sensor or any sensor that passively monitors a given location / area and creates an alarm when a change occurs, allowing cameras to focus on the area and run software algorithms to determine the threat.

Optical Fibre Cables

This could be a political or religious mass gathering of people in a location with limited or no CCTV coverage, a disaster situation such as earthquake or terrorIst strike where existing infrastructure for CCTV coverage is unusable – or a VIP visit to locations with no CCTV coverage.

Electro Optic (E/O) Sensors

An EO sensor is an integrated day night and Thermal Cameras with Pan, Tilt and zoom system. These are capable of long distance Detection (over 20km), Recognition and Identification ranges. These are capable of distinguishing between Vehicles and Humans.

Aero Stats or drones

To provide long range visibility in day and night an aero stat or done which can operate from 500 feet to 5000 feet can be deployed at a distance from the sensitive border, allowing continuous CCTV coverage whenever required.

Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

The condition of the fibre cable is monitored continuously. Any breakage, tension, vibration is recognized immediately due to the change in light transmission creating an alarm pinpointing the exact location along the fence.


These solutions use Radars to detect Drones, UAV’s, Low flying objects, etc and automatically focus the EO sensor tracking the target, . Solutions provide needed inputs for interface with weaponry systems for action.

Command and Control Centre

All the sensors and cameras are linked back to a C2 room which is ballistic Level III certified.  The C2 software determines threats once a sensor has picked up an anomaly, confirms this using inputs from other sensors and then targets a camera capable of acquiring the intrusion risk in the area. Software algorithms can determine the threat confirmed on the relevant camera and escalate this as an alarm to personnel for a decision to be made on the type of response.


Dweep means an island. It has been featured in several contexts both historical and mythological.

Our rescue equipment is manufactured using a special hi-tech double-walled material; this allows the structure, which is inflatable with air or pressure, to be lighter than carbon structures of the same volume.

Rescue platforms, rafts and stretchers can be inflated quickly using an electric pump or cylinder, and have a load capacity of between 100 and 300 kg/m2. In the case of a multi-layered construction, the load capacity can be even greater.

ADOR DWEEP™ works closely with its partner Maritime Inflatables in developing innovative products and working closely with our customers and partners.

We offer a wide range of inflatables marine products including platforms, flat fenders, round fenders and boat tubes. We also specialize in customizing our products to our clients specific requirements. Please contact us for more information.


Ador has supplied the defence sector for over 15 years with specialised Mil-Grade power sources, power back up products, specialised power electronics and battery charging and testing equipment.


Larsen & Tubro, DRDO, BEL, LRDE, CEC, USA, DH Limited.


Missile Launcher, Radars, Inflatable Shelters, Command and Control Shelters, Marine, Submarine Battery Chargers, etc.


MIL Grade UPS / DC / FCBC power sources conform to EMI/EMC – MIL 461 E/F; Environmental – JSS 55555 / MIL 810; Temperature – -30 / -20 / -10 to +55°C, Isolation Transformers for Marine applications, VLF Transmitters.